Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I have a wish list to help my family (mostly my father) buy me Christmas and birthday presents. I updated it recently, adding all sorts of nice things like turtlenecks and mockturtlenecks (with size & store suggestion), craft books I want, yarn swift, digital kitchen scale and more... and a utilitarian thing: long underwear.

Guess what my dad decided to get me.

And it's not even a surprise... I get to help my father buy me long underwear this Saturday.

Yes, I know I didn't supply a size & store (I don't know my size), but isn't that what exchange policies are for? If you're going to give me a utilitarian gift like long underwear, at least *try* to make it a surprise. I like surprises.


Deneen said...

Maybe he will get you something else as a surprise.

Anonymous said...

From what I've heard of her dad, that in itself would be a surprise! ;)

noricum said...

Complete surprises from my dad usually don't turn out so good... hence the wishlist.

Anonymous said...

Ugh. Sometimes the holidays seem more trouble than they are worth.

Anonymous said...

doh! well, at least it will be something you will like... will you get any fun color longjohns? :)

noricum said...

"Fun" long johns seem to be pretty rare even in these parts. I have no idea why... they're *begging* for fun!