Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Yesterday it was my hips, mostly my left. I noticed last night that the left hip even felt kind of like it was bruised, and at one place the skin was unusually warm.

Today my neck and upper back are killing me. Stiff and sore!

I didn't shovel yesterday because of my hip and the cold. Can I put it off another day due to my neck?

I'm considering having a hot bath when I get home.

I'm wearing the one-skein scarf Bron gave me... it's like a warm hug from a friend around my neck. Thanks Bron! I love how soft it is. :)

Now if only my neck would feel better. (My hips are still bothering me somewhat, but my neck is quite a bit worse... making them easier to ignore.)


Knittah said...

Yuck! Is this just from shoveling snow?

noricum said...

Possibly, but I don't think so. My joints tend to bother me, I suspect when the weather is changing. My neck I'm not sure about... I may be coming down with something. :P

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you like the scarf - too bad it doesn't have magic healing properties! Hope you feel better soon. (My hip tends to go out during season/weather changes. I'll be perfectly fine & then when I get up from a chair or take a step, my leg twists in my hip socket in a very painful way! But at least my pain is only momentary...)