Thursday, December 28, 2006

Pink Scarf Of Doom

The pink scarf of doom now has 13 repeats finished. I may do another tonight simply so that it doesn't sit at 13 too long... it might get ideas. ;) I'm hoping to do a repeat per day for the rest of the trip in Montreal. If I can manage this, that'll be significant progress, and perhaps finishing it up won't seem so onerous.

I'm thinking my toque might be okay if I add earflaps.

I can hear the neighbour's TV.

J and I went for a nice walk today. :) Other than that, we're still having a pretty lazy, relaxing time, with lots of naps. J's gotten some work done. I'm considering doing some. So far all I've managed is tidying the files on my desktop some. I'd like to take stock of where I am in my dissertation before bed, so I can make a plan for further progress.


Anonymous said...

Ear flaps! Great idea --- I like ear flaps.

Do you think one repeat a day on the pink scarf 'o doom is do-able?


noricum said...

I've done so the last two days... so it seems likely I can keep it up. ;)