Wednesday, January 11, 2006


In the fall, my hips were bothering me whenever the weather changed.

Over Christmas, my knees were killing me, and my hips behaved.

Now that I'm back in Chapel Hill, my knees aren't quite as bad most of the time, but my hip currently feels like there's a nail being driven through it.

Why do my knees hate Winnipeg, and my hips hate Chapel Hill?

Although my knees are somewhat better here (they were *really* bad in Winnipeg, but I didn't think you wanted to listen to my whining all the time), last night they gave me a big shot of *PAIN*. I woke up in the middle of the night and had to go pee. So I grab my slippers and lift my left leg to put my slipper on. No problem. When I unbent the leg, that's when I got the *PAIN*. Note: the word *PAIN* should really be written in four foot tall letters. It only lasted a little bit, but boy, was it a killer.

Today's hip pain is more of a six inch tall word, but is more constant. It has reduced my maximum walking velocity to turtle-like speeds. It hurts while I'm just sitting here.

The good news today is that I'm not exhausted. The bad news is that I arrived at school even later than yesterday. Hopefully I'll be more productive, though, to make up for it. Although I did make progress yesterday... just not very much.

Oh... and my back pain at home was definitely mattress related. I'm noticing an improvement here, and a definitely different response of my back to my wonderful Original Mattress Factory mattress. I *love* this mattress. I wonder if they ship to Canada? Or if there's a way I can pick up an order in North Dakota? Because when I upgrade to a larger-than-twin size, I'm definitely going to want another of these.

I was going to start M's socks on the way to school, but I'm still not 100% certain on the design, so I'm working on H's Ravenclaw socks. I've discovered that I didn't have as many balls of the dark blue as I thought, so my Ravenclaw socks will have the colours reversed on one. That's fun too. ;) (I suspected this might be the case, which is one of the reasons I put my second Ravenclaw sock on hold.)

Okay... time for real work. ;)

1 comment:

none said...

Yes...I have joint problems too. Anti-inflammatories are my friends. :)

I might have to look into that mattress you were talking about.