Friday, January 19, 2007

Squid Toquie WIP

Squid Toquie WIP
Squid Toquie WIP

Why didn't anyone point out to me earlier that squid have *ten* tentacles? (The two special ones are *extra*, not part of the regular eight.)

Unless it really starts to drive me batty (which it may be starting to), this toque will be of an amputee squid.


Anonymous said...

I'm not a visual person to begin with, nor am I a knitter, so I never scrutinized any of the squid toque planning pictures very closely.

It wasn't 'til I read in words that you had 7 tentacles done and one to go that it clicked. So I told you as soon as I noticed. :)

noricum said...

Well, thanks for pointing it out... I think. ;)