Ice Skating
There's something about ice skates that really hurt my feet. I'm hoping that if I get out a few times, though, my feet will adjust. I bought (used) hockey skates, since they're somewhat wider. It's strange not having the toe pick, but I seem to be getting the hang of them.
I did something like a half-dozen laps around the duck pond at St Vital park. (Not all at once... I took breaks for free hot chocolate and hot dogs that my dad's church group were giving out.) By the end my back was feeling the strain of constantly trying to keep my balance, so I decided that was enough for one day.
The ice was pretty rough from all the people skating on it.
I found it interesting that about half the people there were speaking French. The park is near the French area of town.
cute picture! :)
How big is the duck pond?
I skate about 4-5 times a week (inside mostly, but occasionally outside on manmade rinks of course-- I have skated on a pond once before, in MN) and I'm currently taking a "power skating" (basically hockey style skating) class. It's amazing to me how once I started going so often, hopping on and off the ice just felt natural (and after 3-4 months of this, my back is now not having many problems).
Skates are a funny thing. They really need to be almost exactly the same size as your foot or you'll be in pain -- it took me a while to realize that the pain I was having was because my old skates were too big! If your heel can move up and down in the skate while it's laced, it's too big. Also, you can adjust the lacing of your skates to help relieve pressure at certain areas. I just broke in my new hockey skates and it took me a couple of weeks before I realized that I needed to keep it loose at the toebox (where my foot is wide) and tight at the bend and up the ankle. Now I don't have any problems -- you could try messing with the lacing if they are still bugging you.
Blah blah! sorry to ramble. :) very cute pic :)
I wonder if I can put an image in the comments... let's try.
(nope... image tags not allowed.)
I roughly measured the distance around the pond (in about the middle where I was skating), and it's around 390 m.
I think the skates might be a bit narrow. I need to adjust them so they don't press on the top of my arch too, but I think it's the too narrow part at the bottom. I'm thinking I'll try tossing some roving in the bottom to see if felted-to-shape insoles help. ;)
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