Wednesday, November 08, 2006



Today is a drippy, rainy, miserable day. I got sopping wet on my way to school, even *with* a water-resistant coat and umbrella. :( This is not improving my mood. (I was feeling grumpy and down last night, and this morning I'm still feeling somewhat blue.)

I wish I had a change of clothes here.


Sallie said...

Ugh is right! I'm so sorry you have to sit around in wet clothes. Not fun stuff.

KelliAmanda said...

Hey, now - no grumpiness allowed today. ;-) I'm feeling okay, so you need to as well.

However, your pants look a lot like mine did yesterday. I got splashed by idiot vehicles (a bus and a big SUV) twice, on my front & back, yesterday on my way to the bus stop. I was pissed. Hope you dry off soon.

noricum said...

I've progressed from wet to damp now. It's an improvement, at least.

I'm sorry you got splashed yesterday, Kelli! Ugh. :P Mine is at least "clean" rain rather than puddle water.