Thursday, November 30, 2006


The windchill this morning is -32C. Can I go back to bed?


Anonymous said...

YES!!! Back to bed with you! ;)

(If it were that cold here, no one would be going anywhere!)

noricum said...

*sigh* ...I didn't. H is here today, though, so it's good I didn't.

Anonymous said...

It's supposed to get down to 33F today/tonight (down from a high of 71F this morning -- big cold front coming through right now). So we're all busy worrying/prepping for that.

(sounds warm to you, huh?)

noricum said...

Um... what's to worry/prep for??? That's still above freezing, and it takes a while for cold temperatures to get through the ground and/or walls to freeze pipes, etc.

Deneen said...

OMG, I would die! We are going through very warm weather for here lately, high today is 70-it's warmer outside than in my house! Tomorrow, thunderstorms, bad ones and then it'll be 45 on Saturday. I can't take the up and down of the weather lately.

Anonymous said...

yow! that's cold and windy!

we're having the strangest weather here, as paulina and deneen both mentioned. 70s at the end of November?! What the heck?

[and as for 'preparing' for that -- it's different in most of the US not accustomed to ice and snow -- they don't have the trucks/sand/salt or the proper grading of roads or anything. And even if the low is supposed to be 33, that's close enough to freezing that outer edges of cities are colder, and bridges and the like do start to freeze. :) ]

Anonymous said...

We have to wrap our faucets outside to keep them from freezing because they aren't insulated like they would be up north (at least, I assume things up north are more insulated than they are here). And the covering of plants that prefer warmer temperatures.

That's really about it. I personally think there's a bit more coverage of this front than there really needs to be, but the media will make a big deal out of anything these days.

Some of my coworkers are fretting about roads freezing and the like, but I think they're overreacting. We might hit 32F overnight....but certainly not before it's time to go home today. And like you said, even if we did it would take some time for things to freeze.

Like Jess said, you do have to remember that we don't have any trucks/sand/gravel or the like to put on the roads to keep them from freezing or thaw them faster. Nor do most people have chains for our tires or even ice scrapers for our windshields, so when things do freeze down here, things pretty much come to a standstill. More so than in Chapel Hill, even -- Chapel Hill was pretty darn wintry and cold compared to what I'm used to.

noricum said...

Okay, covering plants and outside taps makes sense. We do have special valves that shut off on the inside, so there's no water outside to freeze.

Dandy said...

how was that for a welcome back to Canada?? lol.. brrr