Peanut Butter and Jelly
I had these two dolls when I was a kid, and found them again recently when I was cleaning my room. (I photographed them before leaving for NY, but didn't have time to post then.)
I resemble Jelly more than I do Peanut Butter: I have blonde hair, blue eyes, and no freckles. My best friend had brown hair, brown eyes, and freckles, just like Peanut Butter. However, I felt that Peanut Butter was a better representation of me than Jelly: not as girly-girl, and I really wanted brown hair, brown eyes, and freckles.
I really am happy with how I look now. I'm me, and I wouldn't change myself for the world. Even if I did wish for brown hair and freckles. ;)
I did find it ironic, growing up, knowing that others wanted blue eyes and blonde hair, when I wanted the opposite.
I held onto these dolls for a long time, but I think it's time for them to pass on to another child. I've put them in the box to go to Goodwill.
I always wanted a darker hair color also (thus I dye my hair dark red now).
Eye color never mattered as much to me. I can vaguely recollect wishing I had brown eyes, but Andrew really likes my green ones and tells me so often enough that I can't remember the last time I wished my eyes were a different color. ;)
They are cute dolls, I never heard of them.
Elena wants straight hair, but is okay with green eyes.
I wanted straight hair too-didn't care what color, just no curls-I had green eyes also and sometimes wanted blue. Are we ever really happy with ourselves?
I've never heard of anyone else having a pair. I don't know where they came from either.
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