I happened to be browsing Webs today, and was curious where their store was, since the ladies on Tuesday evening had commented on how they'd love to visit it. So I clicked on the store locator link... and gee, that map looked familiar! I looked at the Smith College page, and yup, same town. Then I looked at the closer map, and gee, that's Smith there on the edge!
Mapquest maps can be misleading, though, since there's not really anything for scale. So I had a look at Google Earth.

(Click for a bigger view so you can see the pins I added.) That totally looks walkable to me. Hmmm... I'm thinking I'll need a break after my talk on Saturday, and we do get an hour and a half for lunch then... ;) Swatchy *needs* to see Webs, right?
Am I the luckiest knitblogger, or what?
Someone, please take my credit card and freeze it in a brick of ice!
Swatchy DEFINITELY needs to see Webs. No doubt about it. And maybe a staffer will pose for a pic? I have goosebumps just thinking about it. I may have to go freeze MY credit card, and I'm only visiting vicariously!
looks walkable to me too!
also, I think WEBS designed a couple of sweaters for the colleges in the area, including Smith. :)
man! Rhinebeck and WEBS! I am so jealous! :D
Yes, as a local I can tell you, it is walkable. However, the question is: Will you be able to walk back with your arms dragging on the ground as you pull you 1/2 ton of fiber goodies back up the hill? Grab your GE image and rotate so you can see the topography, it is all uphill back to Smith :)
Oh, Webs doesn't let you steal their shopping carts :)
I agree with Togbean--spent 3.5 years at Smith and once walked to/from Web's in the snow and wind one late November. It's possible, but by uphill, we mean UPHILL.
Still, the fact that they have everything makes it worth a look.
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