Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Blue Toe

Hmmm... blue toe, blue toe... let's see what google says.

Ack! There's something called blue toe syndrome! However, people who write about blue toe syndrome have a major case of big word syndrome:
Blue toe syndrome is one of the frequent manifestations of tissue ischaemia. It is caused by the occlusion of small vessels, and usually occurs in elderly men who undergo an invasive vascular procedure. Clinical manifestations of the blue toe syndrome range from an isolated blue ischemic toe to a diffuse multiorgan systemic disease. The treatment consists in surgical or percutaneous elimination of the source of embolisation. Medical treatment is mostly symptomatic.
Hmmm... looking at the wikipedia entry for ischemia, it refers to a lack of blood flow. Hmmm... if my toe is blue for 10-12 hours, cell death can occur. Good thing it didn't last that long! Two common themes mentioned in blue toe syndrome are pain and old men... neither of which apply to me. (Yay!)

Deneen recommended looking up Raynaud's Phenomenon... hmmm... much less scary sounding, and much more likely.

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