Monday, March 20, 2006

Trust in the Math

Scene: Luke and Obi-Wan, on the Millenium Falcon, as Luke practices with the knitting needles.

"Use the Math, Luke, not your eyes."
Obi-Wan hands Luke the helmet.
"But I can't see anything in this!"
"Trust in the Math."
Obi-Wan staggers over to the table.
"What is it, Obi-Wan?"
"There's been a disturbance in the Math! It's as if a million voices cried out, and then were suddenly silenced!"

Okay... that's enough of me trying to butcher poorly-remembered Star Wars lines... ;)

Remember this?
Gjestal Naturgarn
It was left over from a pair of slippers. Yes, I had no idea how much I would need, and I didn't want to run short. ;)

I didn't really have any plans for this leftover, and H still needs a laptop sleeve, since I kind of over-fulled her last one. (Oops!)

So, I started off with a test swatch and some math:
The Math

After some calculations and knitting, I ended up with, um, this:
The Sleeve?
Laptop sleeve... or feed sack? Here it is with my old laptop for scale:
Laptop for Scale
Yes, that laptop is almost exactly the same size as H's laptop. Yes, I double checked my math... and it seems correct.

Will I get a laptop sleeve? Only fulling time will tell. I put it in the wash this morning... I'll post an update this evening when I'm back home again. ;)

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