Friday, July 15, 2005


My wrist hurts. I wore my brace last night, but it still hurts today. Perhaps I should back off on Weasley a bit. *sigh* Oh well... I should really finish up those toe socks for Sophie anyway.

It's icky-sticky humid out today. I stopped in at the pharmacy on my way in, which meant I got to walk across campus again. Even though I was somewhat earlier than I have been lately, I was still dripping with sweat when I arrived. I put on a dry t-shirt (I now keep a stack of old ones here for just this purpose), but I wish I could have had a shower, or put on a complete set of dry clothes. :P I don't "glow"... I *sweat*. Antiperspirant doesn't help... I think it must be my allergies, or something, but antiperspirant *makes* me sweat... which kind of defeats the purpose. Plus, I sweat *all* over when it's icky-sticky like this. (Or when I exercise.) Um... that was probably too much information. ;)

I enjoyed my lunch break... making the 'A' was a nice break, and now I'm not fretting over my earlier "stupidity".

I think I'll work on background reading this afternoon... that should be easier on my wrist.

Well, time to get back to work. Later!

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