Saturday, July 02, 2005


Inches crocheted: 1
Breakfasts: 1
Books read: 1
Lunches: 1
Stacks of dishes washed: 1
Afternoon snacks: 1
Desks assembled: 1 (36 bolts, 4 screws)
Tables assembled: 1 (4 legs, 2 dinged fingers)
Friends helped: 1
Trips to grocery store: 1
Showers: 1
Movies watched: 1 (Bridget Jones, Edge of Reason)

So... how was your day?


Fern Lady said...

How was the Bridget Jones movie? I loved the first but heard the second wasn't so good.

noricum said...

Hmmm... maybe not as good as the first, but enjoyable all the same. ;)