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I love log cabin squares... especially wonky ones, used in modern designs like this one. :)
This is my own little soapbox. Disclaimer: It is not written by someone you think you know, but by her evil twin. Absolutely nothing said here is true. Everything, including the last statement, is a complete work of fiction. This blog is completely boring, and includes entries on when I last washed my dishes, how many pairs of socks I've crocheted, and the occasional rant. These are not the droids you're looking for. Move along.
I love log cabin squares... especially wonky ones, used in modern designs like this one. :)
Pretty! A great flower pattern, in lovely colours. :) Note to self: track down the pattern (by Elizabeth Cat).
Awesome! I love the clean white, geometric modernness of it! I love how the seams make darker lines. I want to try something similar for my bedroom window, for when the "privacy frost" isn't there. ;)
Hee! This sure gave me a good chuckle. :) Enjoy! (There's a whole set... click through to Flickr!)
Guess what Michaels had on sale last week?
I figured that since my dishcloths are wearing out rapidly at the moment, and these were only $1 per ball... I might as well get one of each of the colours I liked. (Less thinking for a toasty brain, and it was still less than $20, so not a horrible splurge.)
This may or may not be a lifetime supply, but I sure am set for quite a while!
A painting I'm working on... just for fun. :) It's based on a photo I took in my mom's back yard a summer or two ago. I've been wanting to try the same style I used on Kelli's pets on this one for quite a while now.
I felt an urge to have an FO, and fewer things on the coffee table, and this was the closest to being done. Now it's done. I would have preferred it to be less square and more rectangular, but not enough that I wanted to rip it all out once I noticed I had screwed up my calculation on how many stitches to cast on. It'll do.
Of course, this'll reduce the number of "brainless knits" I have available (I think the rest of the stuff on my coffee table requires more thought), but I have a ball of Hempathy marinating in stash that I think will make a fine hand towel, should I decide I need more seed stitch. Which I probably will. (Note to self: locate Hempathy for emergency brainless knitting.)
Yes, I made a mistake typing out the full address. Sorry about that.
At the last CUPE XXXX Annual General Membership Meeting in April 2009, quorum was lost partway through discussions and voting on the by-law changes (perhaps you remember the event). Some by-laws had been approved and these were forwarded to CUPE National for final authorization in June. It is the remainder of the by-laws that is to be approved by the membership at the January 26 meeting.
Copies of current and previous by-laws were made available at the April 2009 meeting. Both sets were also available on the website -- and the membership was notified of this -- for several months prior to that meeting. A notification of the January 26 by-law vote, including the location of the proposed by-laws on the website, was first issued to the membership by email in November 2009. Yours is the first complaint of its kind.
If you would like to take an active part in helping to improve the administration of this Local's affairs, I encourage you to seek nomination to one of the Executive, or Trustee, positions. There is currently one of each vacant.
I was having trouble with the gold resist, but I was able to recover from it.
Now to frame it, and decide what price to put on it. ;)
The workshop is done. The "students" enjoyed it and said they wanted to take it again.
I have a headache, which appeared shortly after leaving home (and thus access to painkillers.) I have now taken something. I'm going to have a nap now. Then I will get up and deal with the dishes, putting away the workshop supplies, creating an assignment for my students, and prepping for class tomorrow.
Workshops are fun, but I'm looking forward to having next weekend to sleep in. ;)