This is my own little soapbox. Disclaimer: It is not written by someone you think you know, but by her evil twin. Absolutely nothing said here is true. Everything, including the last statement, is a complete work of fiction. This blog is completely boring, and includes entries on when I last washed my dishes, how many pairs of socks I've crocheted, and the occasional rant. These are not the droids you're looking for. Move along.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
15 Milliseconds of Fame
I gotta make me one of those cute owls too. Thankfully, Kay linked to the pattern on the next post. :) (I could have approximated the shapes of the pieces from the tutorial, but I never did. Now I'm one fictional step closer to never actually making one.)
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Contest Alert!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Murphy doesn't like me.
Then I caught good connections on the way home... I caught the super-express bus to downtown, and then the bus that gets me closest was only moments behind. (It was close enough that I thought I might miss it.) Double yay!
When I got home, I managed to see enough through my frosted glasses in the dark that I was able to screw the licence plates in. (Whee. Brrrrrr!)
However, even though I got the plates, I decided not to go to the art club after all. I think I'm coming down with something. I have a bit of a sore throat, tender lymph nodes in my neck, hot flashes and a drippy nose. Plus that general "ugh" feeling. I almost went anyway, but then decided that I should save my energy for office hours tomorrow. (Sigh.)
I'm thinking perhaps the students coming to visit me may have taken to heart the saying "all I need to know I learned in Kindergarten"... they may be fuzzy on their long division (that came after kindergarten), but *someone* shared their germs with me.
On a brighter note, the Celtic Knot Sweater has my back:

I thought this was going to be a set-in sleeve from my first glance through at the pattern, but it turns out to be modified drop shoulder. It sure is nice and warm laying on my lap. :)
Then I phoned to deal with a $60 charge on my phone/internet account that shouldn't be there. They had already billed my credit card, so that charge is now a credit which will pay for the next month and a half of service. (Kind of annoying, but I'm really not in the mood to try to get them to put the money back where it should be.)
Now I need to fill out a long form for the power company. However, the student I'm tutoring should be showing up any minute, so that'll probably have to wait until later.
H is nice. She gave me chocolate.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Tonight Required Chocolate
Today started off with a late morning, since H wasn't in. The afternoon was *busy*, with student after student needing help. (Which is good, because I feel useful, but a bit exhausting.) Everyone kept saying I had helped them, which really made me feel good.
Stepping off the bus, I realized I forgot to bring the extra chairs in from the hall. Whoops!
I felt tired, but I thought I should go to the art club anyway.
When I got home, there was a message on the answering machine. It was a police officer... he had recovered my parent's licence plate. I went out, and sure enough, the plate on the back of the car didn't match the plate on the front. I had noticed it was loose on Saturday when I was grocery shopping, but I hadn't actually looked at the number. (Not that I'm that familiar with it anyway, since it's not even mine.) Well, a long story short, I get to make a trip to MPI to get new plates. Whee.
What with all the phone calls and not having both licence plates, I decided not to go to the art club tonight. I ate chocolate instead.
The question now: is there a way I can get the new plates before art club tomorrow night? Hmmm... I wonder if there is an MPI place at the university? (That would save me having to make a trip in the morning, which I don't really have time for with the tutoring I have scheduled in the morning.)
Note to self: don't put mug on desk next to whiteboard.
Off to clean mug...
Found on Flickr

Cactus Pincushions
Cactus pincushions with the pins being the spines? *Way* cool! She even sells them for quite a reasonable price... although I'm not sure what overseas shipping would add.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Lovely Weekend
Saturday, January 26, 2008
It's Like A Birthday Present!!!

Squeee! *bounce* *bounce* *bounce*

It *is* like candy for my stash!!!

(There's a heart shaped lollypop too!) I had the strongest urge to roll around in it. Instead, I just sat and stared at it for... um... we won't go into that.
It sure was nice for the government to buy me an early birthday present. :)
Found on Flickr

I found these on Flickr quite a while ago, but I don't think I ever blogged them. They're neat! I wonder how durable they've turned out to be? They probably don't take too long to make once you know the pattern, and you wouldn't have to worry about getting them dirty... just throw them in the wash. :)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Silly Quiz
AQUARIUS - The Sweetheart( Jan 20 - Feb 18):The only thing I would dispute is the 11 years of bad luck for not forwarding spam. If anything, *forwarding* spam should bring bad luck!
Optimistic and honest. Sweet personality. Very independent. Inventive and intelligent. Friendly and loyal. Can seem unemotional. Can be a bit rebellious. Very stubborn, but original and unique. Attractive on the inside and out. Eccentric personality. 11 years of bad luck if you do not forward.
Found on Flickr

Adorable! (Pssst: My birthday is coming up in February in case anyone wants to send me a card like this! ;) )
Found on Flickr

Pink Kitty Quilt
Another wonderful quilt! It's a good thing I realize that I'm really not a quilter (not that I wouldn't like to be, just that I never spend time with my sewing machine), or otherwise I'd be tempted to go out and buy fabric for all the wonderful quilts I see on flickr!
Doing My Part
Since there's a lot of talk about slowing economies, volatile stock markets, and recessions stemming from stupid mortgage stuff in the US, I thought I'd do my civic duty and try to stimulate the economy some. So I donated my free money to The Sweet Sheep, which, to thank me, is sending me three skeins of sock yarn (two skeins of LoveSticks, and one of Dream in Color Smooshy) and two braids of roving (both by Pigeonroof Studios). How nice! Isn't that nice?
I used my PayPal account at The Sweet Sheep, since I had a bit of money sitting in there. However, the PayPal money was in US funds, so it didn't get used for the Canadian transaction. How annoying! Well, I need a bit of white roving for the thrummed mittens I'm planning (I want white "hearts" on a red background), so I found a nice Etsy seller in the US who could help me out with both issues (the PayPal money and the roving) for nearly the exact right amount. Don't you just love when things work out?
Update: To help out the *local* local economy, I just signed up for the "Spinning Exotics 2" course given by Francine of Rovings at Wolseley Wardrobe. :) Wow, I'm sure getting to be a wild spender! This having an income thing sure is nice. ;)
Engineers + Beer = Noise
Disturbing: drunk engineers singing along to music.
Update (1:45): Egad, now the engineering band is making racket! At least they sound like they've actually practiced their instruments...
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
Tonight I wound off the first half of my Piece of Vermont "Grotto" singles:

Then predrafted and started spinning the second half:

Okay, so I didn't get very far... but at least I've started! Part of what slowed me down tonight was the generation (and cleaning up of) the mess in the kitchen:

Bread, dinner, and chocolate chip banana muffins... I've been busy! (No, I have no idea where all this unexpected productivity is coming from. Perhaps my antidepressants are at the right level?)
Although I didn't work on it tonight, here's how the back of the Celtic Knot sweater is looking:

Have you had a good evening?
Contest Alert!
(Ironically, right after typing this, but before I hit publish, I got a stream of customers.)
Contest Alert!
You Know It's Cold When...
I moved like molasses this morning, and was late getting out of the house.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
You Know It's Cold When...
In other news, all this dry, cold weather has my nose bleeding again. So far one yesterday, and one today. Either that, or I'm coming down with a cold. (I hope it's the weather.)
Saturday, January 19, 2008
A is for Apartment

And it's about time I give you a feeble tour of the inside. (To supplement the two hallway photos, and the photo of me manhandling (prior to rib-busting) a coffee table.) Since this is also something I've been meaning to post about for ages, perhaps joining the ABC-Along wasn't that bad of an idea.
Here's my kitchen, looking nice and roomy:

This view makes me absurdly happy:

(Yes, that's my fuse panel, with a whole two fuses, in my kitchen cupboard.)
However, the roomy, spacious feeling disappeared with the appearance of a table that grew three sizes when I placed it in the room, and then the kitchen shrunk even more when I pulled out all the drawers in preparation for washing:

(I wonder if I can get the rest of the drawers lined and put away tomorrow?)
Here's my bathroom, which never did look roomy:

(The duckie curtain was left by the previous tenant... the caretaker was not impressed, but left it anyway.)
Although I have my living room tidied up, I don't seem to have taken any photos of it that way... so the semi-disaster state will have to do:

(I took the couch cushion covers off to wash them.)
There is currently absolutely nothing (besides a dish of vinegar with a shrivelled half onion) in the master bedroom, so I have no interesting photos of it. Just imagine a large-ish room with a closet, old windows, and baseboard heaters. Here's the second bedroom, with a crappy temporary desk and all of the non-kitchen boxes that have been moved as of when the photo was taken:

Finally, I'll leave you with a photo of the window I managed to break already:

Yep, not even a month after moving in, and I've already broken something. If you can't tell, I've pulled the bottom of the frame off of the sliding window pane. Whoops. Talking to my neighbour across the hall (the lady with the two kids), she did the same thing. So it's not me. It's the age of the windows. I still feel guilty.

For some reason, my winter pajamas, although made from a nice, warm, thick jersey, were too short. For my short legs. Who makes winter pajama bottoms too short?!? (They were meant to be winter pajamas... they have snowmen and dogs with scarves on them, after all.)
One old, holey t-shirt, scissors, and a sewing machine later... and they're the perfect length!
I've been meaning to do this for *ages*. For some reason, though, I rarely get around to using the sewing machine.
I'm glad I have these done now... it's nippy outside (currently -42 with windchill), so having proper winter pajamas (and a fire and hot chocolate) are important.

I put these in the wash before wearing them, because the Nature's Palette "odd duck" colourway had some dye crusties on the surface in places. Plus I finished them yesterday, and today was laundry day, so it didn't add much of a wait. They're pretty. :) I could have made the foot a bit shorter and narrower, but they'll be fine. I look forward to wearing them.
Since the next colour I felt like using for me wasn't balled yet, I started another pair for H:

This pair is made from Lorna's Laces, my first time trying this yarn. I was rather disappointed that one of the skeins had several knots in it. I didn't try returning it because we bought it a while ago, so I figured I wouldn't be able to get the same dyelot. It should be fine.
Celtic Knot Sweater WIP

Celtic Knot Sweater WIP
Mmmm. :) Enjoyable, and no thought required. Perfect for watching TV. In this photo, I've finished the first ball and knit one row with the second. (I'm now about an inch or so further along.)
The Frog Prince

The Frog Prince
Tonight I went to see Mamet's "The Frog Prince". Bizarre. Enjoyable. :) It reminded me of going to off-off-Broadway shows in New York. (To people who say there's nothing to do in Winnipeg, I say "Pah! You haven't looked!")
Thursday, January 17, 2008
The wheels on the bus go round and round
Found on Flickr

Matt's The Fog Sweater
Oooo... I need to make this sweater. It's so classic and comfortable looking. Thanks for sharing the pattern, Tiennie!!!
(Yet another reason to finish a couple sweaters... so I can buy yarn to make this one! ...and Cobblestone... and...)
Found on Flickr

Buttons by Anat Dvir
What awesome buttons! They look like kiln-fired clay, but are actually polymer clay. They're machine washable! I need to figure out how to make ones that look this good. :) (I think I have a pretty good idea for most of it, I just don't know what paints work with polymer clay. I can probably google that...)
Found on Flickr

bowl of knitted easter eggs
How adorable and perfect. Although normally I prefer to work round things in the round, I was absurdly relieved to see that these are worked flat according to the pattern. Of course, getting an invisible seam is probably just as tricky as avoiding ladders... but seams can always be hidden at the back. ("No one touch the eggs!!!" ;) )
Feeling Better Today
The reason I don't want codeine is that it makes me violently ill, yet does nothing for the pain. I do *not* want to be dry-heaving with a cracked rib.
I took ibuprofin last night when I got home, and again before I went to bed. I didn't take any this morning for several reasons: too much and I go loopy in the head, and also the pain is fairly minimal... I felt it was best to leave what was there so that I could tell what things I shouldn't be doing. (If it hurts, it's probably aggravating whatever is wrong.)
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
And Things Went Downhill...
I lied, and told my grandma S that I had a normal day. I don't want her worrying, especially with mom and Bob away at the moment. Luckily I didn't have to pause for breath after every few words at that point, so I was actually pretty convincing. ;)
It sucks that this happened my first week I'm gainfully employed. (Yeah, I haven't mentioned that... I have a 20 hour/week job in the department this term that should let me pay my bills, plus lets me continue working on my dissertation.) Whether or not I go in tomorrow will depend on how I feel in the morning... I'm considering just going in for my office hours, because then I wouldn't *need* my laptop. (Less to carry, and thus less to strain my ribs. Not having my laptop during that time would just mean have less to do when no one needs help.)
On the upside, dad bought me some get-well chocolate:

(I checked, and can't find any bugs!)
1. Yesterday there were strong winds (50-70 kph), and the temperature rose dramatically.
2. My knees, elbow, and *ribs* HURT last night, and my ribs continue to be in *pain* today. (They feel as bad today as they did the day after the fall, or even perhaps as much as they did the evening of my fall.)
I'm beginning to think I either got a bone bruise or a cracked rib. Doing some googling, the pain tends to be variable depending on the type of break, doctors can diagnose it (with an x-ray or MRI) but the treatment is just pain killers and icing, and it'll take 1-2 months to heal. Joy. Why couldn't I get this in the summer (yeah, because there's no ice in the summer, that's why) when I at least have fewer problems with my joints telling me the weather?
Update: Now both my ribs an my shoulder on that side *hurt*. My knee is still wonky too, but my ribs and shoulder are distracting me from it.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Drawing Class

(You're going to have to click through to the biggest size in order to see much at all with these photos... sorry.) I didn't even have a clue what to attempt to draw for this exercise. :(
When the model did a repetitive motion and we were allowed to look, I got something in which you could potentially pick out a figure:

(She was dressed up with a hula skirt and lei at this point.) Occasionally the instructor would ask the model to hold a position and allow us to draw:

This exercise was called slinky figures:

(named after the toy.)
Finally we finished off with contour drawings, which were all done with a (fidgety) still model. At first we weren't allowed to look, and I got the typical Picasso-like results:

When I could look, it got better, but the model wasn't actually this ugly:

I actually kind of like this one, although I had to rush to finish, and so the legs are a bit off:

This last one I call "Can't the #$^&* model hold her head and hands still?!?!? I quit... where's my crochet?":