Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Being Bad

This morning I woke up and thought "today is a good day to go to the gym." I felt well rested, energetic, and motivated.

At 4:50 I got a headache, and no longer felt motivated. Somehow headaches don't go well with high levels of activity.

I dithered, and worked on the definitions.

It's now 5:10, which means I've missed the bus that goes right in front of my apartment.

1. Catch the slightly less convenient bus, and get a bit of walking exercise. (Not much... it's less than five minutes.)
2. Go to the gym anyway. (I'm not enthusiastic about this one.)
3. Continue working until the 5:50 bus is due.

Although I am being fairly productive this afternoon, I don't I want to hold out until 5:50 just to save myself a five minute walk. It's even a fairly nice walk. I've just been spoiled by catching the convenient bus. The main reason I've been doing so is that I *know* when it's coming, and so I don't end up waiting after just missing the somewhat more frequent bus.

Well, I think that since I finished one definition, I'm at a fairly good break point, so I'll go out and wait for whatever bus is next. Which, at 5:15, is probably not for a while... I think I've missed all the busses that come shortly after 5.

Oh well... I'll work on Regina's chicken socks, both of which are now at the pre-heel increases.


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