Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Notice to all ladybugs: crawling on the back of my neck does not bode well for your longevity.

I hate deadlines. I'm missing one tonight. I didn't sew the letters on the crayons on Sunday because S and I went shopping instead. Last night I was busy with a friend. So I packed up my crayons and took them to SNB tonight. It took me an *hour* to sew on "R E D"!!!!! Sheesh. And I'm tired. So, CrochetMe deadline? Sorry. I'll finish it up this weekend, and I'll be early for your next deadline. ;)

In other crafty news, picovoli has picots on one sleeve now. I'm thinking I probably won't do green on the bottom... my green is starting to look low, and I think blue will look as good or better. (I don't need bright green accentuating the girth of my nether regions.)

Okie doke. Time for bed. Nighty-night!

Oh... and I discovered at the bus stop on my way home that my E hook has escaped! I'm hoping it's in my office. Luckily I have another, or my Christmas crochet would be seriously curtailed. I think I'll have to buy several more when I'm home at Christmas. (Ram Wools stocks them, and by getting them there, I don't have to pay shipping.)

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