Tuesday, November 30, 2004


I'm tired and have a headache. Besides the fact that I'm not sure I actually made any forward progress on my dissertation, I feel like I had a pretty good day. I went in for the tests at student health, ate breakfast, finished one of my mom's socks while sitting in Jack's class, went back to student health (I couldn't pee in the cup the first time), frantically tried to get some stuff done before my meeting at Duke, had an interesting meeting at Duke, and then found a fun book at Student Stores on my way home. After dinner I watched Gilmore Girls (quite an interesting episode tonight), One Tree Hill (I'm not that crazy about it, but the commercials had me intrigued about this episode), then went out and did the grocery shopping I didn't get off my butt and do last weekend.

I feel like mentioning more about the book. It's actually two stories, called "The Great Piratical Rumbustification" and "The Librarian and the Robbers" The stories are by Margaret Mahy, and the pictures are by Quentin Blake, who also illustrated several Roald Dahl books (explaining why it caught my eye sitting there on the sale table). I read half of the first story on the bus ride home... very good so far, and similar in many ways to Roald Dahl books. I haven't read any of the second story, but the description on the back is great: "'The Librarian and the Robbers' is an equally tickling tale of a band of wicked robbers who carry off the lovely and learned librarian, Serena Laburnum, who not only outwits the robbers by turning them into respectable citizens, but also introduces them to the everlasting pleasures of the Dewey Decimal System."

Depending on how the story is, I may have to go pick up some more copies for all of my librarian friends and relatives. ;) (Particularly a former roommate who's crazy about cataloging... ;) )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*chuckle* Sounds great! :)

-Paulina (yup, the crazy roommate!)