Sunday, May 30, 2010


I have apparently angered the dust gods (yes, plural... they are numerous in my apartment) by disturbing their resting places. The antihistamine I took this morning is not sufficient to beat back their attack. I have countered with a Decongestant, Washing Hands, and Rinsing Face. Still they were victorious. Finally, I have resorted to the Ritual of the Neti Pot. I think I may be regaining ground...


Nicole said...

this is how I avoid cleaning *grin* partner has to do it else I use all tissues/loo paper in the house. And don't get me near horses!! Blow up like a balloon on top of all other symptons. Am now used to double dose of antihistamines *grin*

Prairie Chicken... said...

Last week @ work they were completing reno's on a new office. Dry wall dust for DAYS and the smell of new paint with NO ventilation. Was probably the worst week EVER for me.

I totally feel your pain...

noricum said...

Unfortunately, I don't have a partner to do the cleaning for me. :( (My goal is to one day earn enough money that I can afford to have someone come in once every two weeks... of course, I'd have to clean up the clutter first then.)

Prairie Chicken: That has *got* to be some sort of Health & Safety violation!!! Ugh! I feel for you. :(