Monday, July 14, 2008

Sock Greed

I am soooo bad. I said I'd make socks for a friend, so I had a look at her Ravelry page to see what colours she likes. Then I opened a box of sock yarns that I got at really good prices with the thought that then I wouldn't have to worry about using up my "precious" expensive sock yarn that I want to make socks for *me*. My eyes fell on one ball where my first thought was "perfect!", and the second thought was "but *I* like that one! I want that one for *me*!"

Sheesh! Bad me! I don't *need* more wool socks, what with an entire drawer *bulging* with wool socks. Then there's all the special yarns I'm saving for *me*. I can't part with one ball of nice yarn that I got at a great discount?!?

So I was good, and made myself use that ball. *pout*

This sock yarn thing is ridiculous. (I wish some of my fabulous wool yarns were cotton blends... I don't have as many of those, and it's hard to find fabulous cotton blend sock yarns.)


sara said...

I hoard sock yarn too. That and I'm a pretty selfish crafter. I just so enjoy seeing other people's work, it doesn't matter to me if its RH Super Saver!

Bethany said...

I've been pretty pleased with Knitpicks Risata for a wool/cotton blend, though it only comes in solid colors at the moment.