Hand Towel WIP
Here's the reason I need to order more yarn from KnitPicks. I bought one ball of CotLin to try it out. But, something misfired in my brain, and instead of making a washcloth, I decided to make a hand towel. There's no way I'll get a hand towel out of one ball! But, I really like how this is coming along... so I'll have to buy one or two more balls. *sigh*
When I got to that thin spot in the yarn, I cut it. Since that meant I'd have ends to weave in anyway, I figured I might as well add a colour. And then, if I'm going to add a colour, I should make it look like a design decision. I'm going to have *lots* of ends, but I'm having fun, and I think it looks cool! (It kind of reminds me of R2D2 in a way... hmmm... does anyone have a short scrap of red CotLin they'd be willing to send my way?)
The white is leftover Rowan Denim I had from another project (the shark hat), but even with it, I won't have enough for an entire hand towel. Plus, I think it works better as accents, rather than a big "trying to finish" blob.
I like the little lines I get at the joins between two colours, especially how half the lines are on one side, and half are on the other. :)
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