Tuesday, February 14, 2006


I think I have a migraine, but a sinus headache is also a possibility. My tongue is swollen again, and my eyelids are quite puffy too. :P So... anyone have ideas that don't involve painkillers? I've taken sudafed, just in case it is a sinus headache. (I figured it should wear off before tonight.) I've also taken magnesium.

For now, I'm going back to bed. I might make some tea later... but for now, my head hurts too much.


KelliAmanda said...

I'm wondering if your sinuses are swollen as part of the angioedema, since your tongue is swollen again and eyelids are swollen. Hmmm...keep us posted. Call me if you need me.

Anonymous said...

Try Facial Neuralgia and Head Pain Clinic at the U of Michigan in Ann Arbor. @2-3k MAYBE less, all day clinic and consultation. Could be cluster headaches beginning. Verapamil, a prescription medication, helped us.

none said...

I have a headache too, but mine are hormonal since I have them the same time every month.

Do a search on your blog site, I think you are getting migraine type headaches one a month too. I also am wondering about the angiodema and how much that would effect other areas of the body. I would try and see a specialist about that.

Non pain meds (does that include exedrin?) Okay...they have these headache strips that you can put across your forhead that have menthol on them. They work really well. Drinking a coke might work because of the caffeine. Accupuncture or pressure might help....

Anonymous said...

for a migraine, without pain meds, honestly nothing helps me but blissfully unconcious sleep. turn off all the lights, pull all the shades down & put on your sunglasses to block out as much light as possible. turn off the phone ringers & anything else that makes noise. caffeine can sometimes help, sometimes make it worse. if there's a scent that sooths you normally (peppermint is often good) it can help calm the migraine panic, but use minimally & cautiously as scents and migraines often do bad things to when mixed. pull your most favorite blanket around you & hole up in the darkest corner of your place till its over.

for a sinus headache, without using pain meds... saline spray to ease both dryness & potential congestion, warm steam & lots of it, warm wash cloth (or cold wash cloth) on the forehead can dull the pain a tiny bit.

feel better.

Ann-Marie MacKay said...

the thing that worked for me, besides prescription migraine medication was advil liquid gels--aka "magic little blue pills".
they are heaven for me...
for non-drug help:
cold/ice pack on your head, massage your temples firmly (even though you may not feel like it, it works for me)...
hope you feel better soon