Saturday, June 08, 2013

Wednesday/Thursday Garden Update

His holiness, Sourpuss the first, went to the great Home Depot on Empress on Wednesday. Taking his place is Sourpuss the second, who is not being allowed anywhere near where my neighbour might decide to use a whipper-snipper:
He was the last one in stock at that Home Depot, so hopefully he doesn't decide to become holey too! (I still haven't heard anything from my lawn-mowing neighbour, but I'm assuming he's the culprit.)

While at Home Depot, I couldn't resist looking at the plants. I brought home two blueberry plants ("Northland" and "North Sky", if I remember correctly), two more hostas, and another dianthus.

Thursday I found the time to water my raised bed, the plants waiting to be planted and the hanging basket without the special liner, set three of the "stepping stumps" into the dirt, and planted seven of my thirty creeping thyme seedlings (which I then watered again):
By then it was getting rather dark, so I went in, had a shower, and had a late dinner.

I wasn't going to set up my new wireless router... but I couldn't resist peeking in the box. One thing led to another, and, way past when I *should* have been asleep, I returned to being blissfully wireless. (It wasn't really the router's fault... it was getting home late, followed by gardening, then a shower, then washing dishes that needed hand-washing, then eating dinner... etc.)

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