Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pocket Withdrawal

Tomorrow I have a "meet & greet" with potential employers. I have purchased clothing approved by my friend and two store clerks. This clothing has no pockets. (Not even pockets that are just sewn shut... the things that look like pockets have no fabric backing them up!)

I don't even have a tiny pocket to tuck a key and personal cards into. I think I'm in trouble. There is a very good chance that I'll end up locked out of my office tomorrow, without even my bus pass to get home. :(

Jokingly, I mentioned to my friend & clerks that I had a white purse. I was told in no uncertain terms that a white purse is not appropriate. Until I get something fully approved, the following will have to do:
IMG_3897 IMG_3899
(I think it's okay, but the clerks wanted something that incorporated both brown & black, to tie my suit and shoes together: my current dress shoes are black. At worst, it was only $2 at a yard sale I happened to pass while biking last weekend.)

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