Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Corn Was Excellent

Remember this?
It's my bathroom floor. (Sorry about the nasty toilet ring... that's been taken care of now.) My intention today was to tackle the rusty spot that used to be under the toilet:
the oily area from the messily installed seal:
(sorry about the focus there), do another stripping of any remaining old finish, wash the floor *thoroughly*, and then apply a new coat of finish.

Step one was to work on the rust. I cut up a lemon, squished it down around the toilet:
and left it while I cooked myself a nice meal. (Since lemon is a grease-cutter, it's also squished down around the other side.)

A while later, I threw out the lemon bits (after grinding them into the floor a bit more) and got out the sponge mop to do an initial wet-mop. I filled the bucket with warm water, plunged in the mop, pulled the leaver to wring it out... and:
IMG_3714 IMG_3715

I used the sponge part to do the damp mopping, and decided the rest could wait until I had a replacement sponge. *sigh* (I didn't take more photos at this point, since the floor was wet. I don't think the lemon made much difference on the rusty area, but looking at it now, I think the oily area is a bit better. I'll take more photos later.)

Since the inside temperature had risen to 24C (even though it was 15C outside) and humid, I shut the windows, turned on the AC, and had a nice, relaxing shower.

Well, I made the mistake of blowing my nose (foolish me), and so had the shower *after* my nose stopped bleeding. *sigh*

My tasty meal made from farmer's market meat and corn:
(I trimmed off the bone and fat and put it back in the freezer for making stock later. I know you're not supposed to re-freeze meat, but it wasn't thawed that long. I re-froze the second steak too... I could only buy a pair, not a single steak.) Sadly, due to the steak being a rather thin cut, I accidentally overcooked it. It still tasted pretty good, though.

The corn, however, was *excellent*.

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