Whirlpool Joy
I love the swirls! They suck me right in. :)
This is my own little soapbox. Disclaimer: It is not written by someone you think you know, but by her evil twin. Absolutely nothing said here is true. Everything, including the last statement, is a complete work of fiction. This blog is completely boring, and includes entries on when I last washed my dishes, how many pairs of socks I've crocheted, and the occasional rant. These are not the droids you're looking for. Move along.
I love the colours and design in this one. I like the patterns created by using a rotation through the fibonacci sequence. :)
I have to admit... I succumbed to the cuteness and bought this little fellow. (I had just earned $150 last week tutoring, so I didn't feel so bad, though.) I can't wait to have my adorable little pincushion! :) (I keep meaning to make a pincushion, but so far haven't found the time. Now I don't need to, unless I want to.)
I love supporting fellow artists and crafters. :) (Now if only I were independently wealthy, and could do so to my heart's content... but not necessarily by buying stuff... my apartment would become too cluttered.)
What a cool bag design! I admit I tend to feel constrained to put edges on edges... looking at this bag, it makes so much sense, yet I never would have thought of it! It's pretty too. :)
Hee hee! This kitty reminds me of Peter Rabit, down to the pose (well, if the kitty were vertical, that is). I'm sure Beatrix Potter would approve. :) (I love the BSJ too!)
I love all the different colours used... not just blue for water, green for lily pads, and white/pink for lilies. It's so pretty, yet is still recognizable. I probably need to practice being more loose like this. (Besides with my somewhat bizarre Tuscany painting, which is based on another painting, not a photo or life.)
Frankly, I've been so busy, I really haven't had time to think about Sara's contest. (I'm not entirely sure if I'm allowed to enter, since I was one of the winners of her come-up-with-a-contest contest, but I thought I'd try anyway... anything for a slim chance at a Loopy Ewe gift certificate!) To enter, I have to post a picture/story of my worst FUG. With my fried brain, I couldn't think of my worst FUG, so I wandered around my apartment... and came across these. They started off "meh"... and have now progressed to something that could certainly compete as my worst FUG.
The story behind these... well, I was cheap. I saw the really cool Fiber Trends felted boot slippers pattern, and thought "I can make my own pattern, no problem!" and then ordered some 100% Lopi wool off Elann.
When it arrived, I made up a tiny felting swatch and tossed it in the wash. I based my calculations upon the original dimensions and shrinkage.
Now, while what came out was reasonably functional, it wasn't really as pretty as the Fiber Trends ones. Also, the wool didn't felt into a solid fabric like Patons Classic wool would. The sole quickly wore out. I tried needle felting on a patch, but that didn't hold for long. Then I darned it... but with yarn that didn't match either the sole or the top. (I was travelling, and was what I had with me.) The darns didn't look that sturdy, so once I was home, I added some patches made out of a felted sweater... in yet another colour. One of the inside patches I haven't sewn down completely, so it sort of crumples up inside.
Functional? Yeah. Pretty? No. Fug? Definitely getting there. Worth a Loopy Ewe gift certificate? Pleeeeeease! Pretty please with sugar on top! Oh, won't you please vote for me when Sara puts her poll up? (If I'm allowed to enter, of course!)
Okay... now to sleep. This weekend is pretty crammed too, with an art workshop tomorrow, laundry, grocery shopping, a paper to review... and preferably some around-the-house stuff and fun stuff too.
Woo hoo! I actually made noticeable changes to my painting last night. ;) I did the under-painting for the rose hedge I'm planning to put in the foreground. (That's why it's so rough right now.)
These fish are awesome, and the photograph is absolutely beautiful!
What a cool end for a knitting needle! The clay nut looks really realistic, and the real cap is the perfect touch. :)
Oooo... I love the Noro-like striping achieved using two strands at a time with similar coloured yarns. :)
Oooo! Pretty! I'm a sucker for scrollwork, and blue, and glass, and silver. :)
...suddenly the name "disappearing nine patch" makes complete sense, and I once again marvel at the magic behind quilting.
This is kind of cute... combining origami with a simple circuit (LED, battery, and connections) to create a self-contained, glowing cube (or whatever other origami design you choose to use).
Instructions here.
Blimey, the sun sure was bright today! Here's a crooked photo of me in my brand new sweater!
(Now that I finally got the chance to wear it and show it off at least one day, I have it washing and blocking. I'll show it off at school after it's dry.)
Whoops, looks like I didn't need to rotate this photo after all.
Since the Celtic knot sweater is finished, I pulled the yarn for Klaralund #2 out of the stash and started it. I'm starting with the sleeves (both at once), because I want to graft lives stitches from the body onto the sleeves to get a stretchier join.
My brother's birthday is today (well, yesterday now). Mom borrowed one of my cake pans. After dinner, I offered to take care of cleaning the pan at my place. ;)
I intended to get a skein of Noro sock yarn at the sale on at Wolseley Wardrobe, but I couldn't decide which colour. Since I'm also planning on going to Ram Wools tomorrow (to spend my gift certificate at *their* sale), and they have Noro sock yarn too (on sale, I believe... it was too new at WW to be on sale there), I decided to hold off. (Not that I'll have *any* difficulty finding things I want at Ram Wools. Heh. Now that's a *funny* thought, not finding things I want at Ram Wools!) I didn't leave empty handed, though.
In my defense, one of the pairs of socks will be a present for someone, possibly both. (Although, frankly, I'd enjoy having both of these end up in my sock yarn drawer too.) And the Maid Marian Vest kit was 30% off. And such pretty colours. And probably a quick knit, and I've just finished a sweater. And... um... have I mentioned it's been a tiring week, and I think I've earned a reward?
Hey! What's that over there? ...Yarn? What yarn? I don't see any yarn here...
I intend to show it off at Ram Wools tomorrow. :) (I'm off to spend my gift certificate... thanks Swapna!)
I'll try to get some better photos too. ;)
Did I tell you that my previous TV died? I think I did. Well, a friend was going to give this one (smaller, but it actually works) to the thrift shop, but gave it to me instead. Now I can knit at night again! ;) (Assuming the crazies let up... speaking of which, it's about time I headed out to the wine and cheese. More catching up later!)