Last night when it was time to go to bed, my room once again looked like a whirlwind had struck. However, I made lots of progress yesterday. I changed all the adjustable shelves on my bookshelf so that they're now permanent and set at heights I want, the top two for paperbacks, the next two for craft books, and added a little shelf for cds. (Chunk o' wood courtesy dad.) Then I put all the books back on the shelf, emptied three boxes, and hung 14 pictures on the wall. (They're a little "cluttered," but being stored there will be safer for them than in the garage.) In addition to all that, I did all my laundry yesterday. Yay me!
This morning I brought in the box with my hair clippers and trimmed my hair. However, the 1" guide wasn't in the clipper case, so I had to use the 7/8" guide. I didn't get one spot good enough, so I'll reattack that the next time I have a shower. (I can't stand all the little prickly hairs the clippers leave behind.)
After lunch mom and I went shopping. I bought three pairs of shorts... more money than I should be spending right now (~$90), but I could really do with a few more pairs. In fact, earlier this week I had to ask mom to put a pair in with her laundry in order to make it to laundry day. I had five pair, but only one was suitable for wearing multiple days before washing. (And I stupidly wore them last week while making the bookshelf: they got *covered* in sawdust!) Two of the pairs I bought today should also survive multiple wearings, plus they bring the total up to eight.
In other news, I found this recipe book while I was reorganizing my room:

See the title? "Microwave Magic Poultry"... it disturbes me. A friend from high school gave it to me way back when. I've never tried making anything from it. Looking at it yesterday, it occurred to me that this is something that probably belongs in the files of the amazing Lady Linoleum... I'll have to ask her if she wants it.
Your shopping thrills me cause I won't pay more than $20 per pair of shorts. I only own 5 pair total, including a pair I bought today and I wash the heck out of everything.
Microwaving anything is just so "non-cooking"-ick.
I'm normally pretty cheap when it comes to clothing too... the ones I bought last year were all around $7-$15, but it's too early now for the really good sales. These will be worn and washed to pieces. ;)
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