Thursday, August 04, 2005


I'm tired. I think I'm feeling a little down too. This is the first day in several days that I haven't worked with my advisor, so I don't know if that's making a difference. (I find I'm more productive if I take my laptop and camp out in his office... nothing like the presence of your advisor to make sure you're not goofing off. Like I am right now.)

Today is also the first day this week I gave in and had a nap... although I really could have used one yesterday. *But*, it *was* a much shorter nap than I was having on my lower Prozac dose. I set an alarm for one hour, and self-woke after 45 minutes! (Hey, I take my progress where I can... I do believe I mentioned previously that life had been sucking, and I was taking 2-3 hour naps. Now it sucks less, and I'm napping less. I'm also making progress on my dissertation. So *don't* give me a hard time about sleeping in my office!) Yeah, I'm backsliding just a wee bit today.

However, it's almost time that I can go home without feeling guilty. Maybe I'll manage to fall asleep faster tonight. I didn't do too bad last night about getting to bed at a semi-reasonable time, but then it took me forever to fall asleep. Even though I was yawning in the afternoon! Sheesh.

Sun's out again. I bet it's as humid as all get-out. :P I *hate* humidity. (I think I've mentioned that before too. I apparently like to repeat myself too.)

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