holiday Heart Felt ornaments
I'd love to have a set of these on my Christmas tree. :) So lovely!
This is my own little soapbox. Disclaimer: It is not written by someone you think you know, but by her evil twin. Absolutely nothing said here is true. Everything, including the last statement, is a complete work of fiction. This blog is completely boring, and includes entries on when I last washed my dishes, how many pairs of socks I've crocheted, and the occasional rant. These are not the droids you're looking for. Move along.
Oooo... add that amboyna burl turkish drop spindle to the list of spindles I'd love to own one day.
At first I thought I was safe because it was one of a kind, but then google showed me otherwise. Then I was safe because indecision caused by all the other gorgeous woods used by the spindle maker reinforced my will power enough that budget considerations came foremost. ;)
Oooo... I'm going to have to favourite knittyarcrafts.etsy.com for when I'm feeling richer. :) (Hmmm... and for when her shop is less empty!)
Lovely... serene... this would make a lovely desktop photo. Especially for patriotic Canadians. ;)
Hee! I have the book this pattern is in... I *must* make one of these! (There always seems to be more projects than time...)
These fellows are so cute, I couldn't blog just one! (Check out the Flickr stream for even more.)
I love the whimsy in these!
(I need to close some windows in my browser, so prepare for a deluge of "Found on Flickr" posts...)
Is it chilly where you are? Are you inspired with fall and Christmas knitting plans? I know I certainly am and I wanted to share my excitement with you, so we are having aLet me know what you get, so I can experience it through your stashes. ;)
There will be a large selection of yarns on sale at great prices starting October 31st and running through November 21st. This sale will be big!
Hi all -Last I checked, they ask for a zip code, so I think you need to be living in the US to vote. If you are, please take a moment. Thank you! I appreciate it. :)
The animal rescue group I volunteer with, Independent Animal Rescue, is taking part in the Care2 contest for America's Favorite Animal Shelter. This contest is open to rescue groups and shelters across the nation, and we are currently IN THIRD PLACE (as of almost 8 p.m. Sunday night). The top five groups get a monetary award with grand prize being $10,000.
IAR is a wonderful completely volunteer-run organization that saves many cats and dogs from the Triangle and surrounding communities. Some animals are from shelters, others are feral kittens that are rescued at a young enough age to be tamed, and some are strays, abandoned or "found" animals that are brought to us from people in the community. I currently have two foster kitties available for adoption and two kitties that I've adopted from IAR. Our web site is here:
How can you help us win? By going to the web site below and voting for IAR as your favorite animal rescue. It only takes a few seconds, is completely free, and every vote really makes a difference! $10,000 would go a LONG way toward helping us save more animals! We are currently the only group in the top five that helps both cats & dogs and is not breed-specific.
Feel free to forward to anyone who might be willing to vote for us! They don't have to be local to vote for IAR.
Thanks so much!!!
From now until Nov 2nd we are having a sale. All consignment is 50% off, yarn is 20 - 50% off, metal and plastic needles are 20% off, patterns are 25% off and books are 10% off. There’s lots of new stock and it’s all on sale!!!!! So we hope to see you there.Will I be good, and stick to my tightened budget, or won't I?
I went to Ram Wools to buy a big bottle of Eucalan for me (not in the photo, already put away), a sample pack of Eucalan to accompany a soon-to-be-completed gift, plus some extras for future gifts. I decided to wander around to see what is new.
Instead of spending $20, I spent... um... I'm *not* saying.
Yarn stores are *evil*, I say!
I did restrain myself somewhat... I considered buying a sweater's worth of that Lana Linda (some colours felt stiff from the dye, but these must have either been made from downy lambs from heaven fleece, or at least had some silk or something sneak in), but restrained myself and only got enough for a scarf and whatever accessories use up the leftovers from the scarf.
I wound the ball of sock yarn (yes, I *know* I said no more sock yarn) into a ball at the store, and managed to leave the ballband behind. *whoops!*
I can't decide if the scarf will be a gift, or for myself. I think it may end up for myself.
I love the purple (amethyst?) beads at the ends of the fringe! The random shapes and random lengths go so great together... and a great photo with the moss!
Oooo! Way cool! (I love the look of the brass with the dark wood, too.)
This barometer used to hang in my parents' house when I was growing up. Then my brother claimed it. (The glass was broken when he moved in with my dad... he didn't package it 100% securely, and dad apparently treated the box roughly... not really the fault of either, but the fault of both.) I got it from my brother when I was wondering if my joint pain was pressure related. (I never did make a properly documented study.)
I asked mom (without it there for discussion), and she thought it might have been a wedding present (and therefore not antique).
Dad thinks it might be an antique... he said it wasn't a wedding present, and might have come to the family when my great-grandmother (on my mom's side) moved into a nursing home. Mom... does that sound right?
At any rate, I think it looks cool, and I like how I used a copper-coloured ribbon to hang it from the side of my hand-me-down furniture. (The ribbon goes up over the top, and I screwed a hook into the hidden part of the particle-board side.)
I looked out my window a few minutes ago to discover that the leaves have now changed in my neighbourhood. I don't think they were this way yesterday! ...Of course, yesterday was long enough that I don't think I looked out my windows... I left early while half-asleep, then arrived home late and dead tired.
While deciding on which way to point my camera, I also noticed that my windows are filthy. The question is... clean them now, only to have them completely frost over in a month, or clean them in the spring when I'll be able to see out of them? ;)
I bought these at an "antiques & funk" shop... both will be put to use. :)
I have no idea if the piebird is actually old, or a reproduction. Either way, it's cute and functional. (Although it has a rather small hole on the top, and only slightly raised sides on the bottom... but hopefully that'll be enough.)
The handcarders definitely look old (the nails aren't uniform, and the carding cloth is leather), and there is some rust and mangled tines, but they work better than the pair I already had. The carding cloth on these is finer: the tines are closer together, and they're sproingy rather than stiff.
I like stuff that has history... what would make it better is if I *knew* the history. Oh well. ;)
The carders were $8, and the piebird was $4... so if the piebird was new, I probably paid about normal retail, and the carders are definitely *much* cheaper than buying new ones. Plus, reuse is good for the environment. ;)
Woo hoo! I finally got around to blogging a finished pair of socks! (There are *many* pairs that I haven't gotten around to blogging... life has been crazy!) There were only two rows to go, so I finished these off last night.