Monday, May 02, 2005

Yahoo? I don't.

Although I don't use Yahoo search, I formerly didn't have any strong opinions about it. However, since last night, it directed seven people to my blog who were searching for Gray's Anatomy. I think I only blogged on that show once, and it was to say that it would be nice if I could watch it in focus... since it's on a station I don't get too well with my antenna. If Yahoo thinks I'm a good reference for Gray's Anatomy, it has a few problems.

Speaking of searches, it's rather interesting what hits I get. "Alfred Meakin Osiris Solway" I understand... not much else is out there. Being known as a source for information on skin tags and chewing cheeks is a bit disturbing. I am not a doctor... go to a medical website! But if you're chewing your cheeks, you probably ate something you're allergic to, which caused your cheeks to swell. I have lots of personal experience with that. :P For some reason, people also come here searching for the calorie content of Cadbury chocolate bars and more. No, I don't have that information here. Go to the manufacturer's website.

Oh, and speaking of Gray's Anatomy, I saw some photos in a recent issue of TV Guide (I managed to get a free subscription). That George chatacter is rather cute when in focus (and probably overly touched up... pictures in TV Guide tend to look *too* perfect). Hey George, get up your confidence and ask Meredith out. She may say no, but a sweet, cute guy like you ought to feel more confident. If she says no, feel free to ask me out. I'm the one over here wearing goggles, with kleenex shoved up my nose.

Hmmm... maybe that's why guys never ask me out... ;)


Anonymous said...

Now you've talked about Gray's Anatomy again, raising your relevancy ranking for that search even higher...! ;)

noricum said...

Yep, I did. And Yahoo sent yet another person my way. My blog must be so boring to people who get here through yahoo. ;)

Hmm... I wonder how many hits I'll get if I mention ER? ER... ER... ER... blah blah blah. Yes, I enjoy medical dramas, blah, blah, blah. Especially with cute guys. I'm a bit disappointed that "Dr Carter" will be leaving ER. :(
