Thursday, May 12, 2005

WIP-loss Goals

As part of my pledge to finish or frog all UFOs (unfinished objects), I'm also trying to reduce my WIPs (works in progress). Mostly because only one of my projects is truly a UFO, but I *really* need to cut back on the number of WIPs. To this end, I've made short, medium, and long term goals.

Short term: reduce n to n-1, where n is the number of WIPs + UFOs. This will be done on a priority basis, where higher priority items get worked on first. For items with the same priority, I'll work on the one that requires less time to finish... since that will result in faster results.

Medium term: reduce n to 5... my one UFO, the two blankets in progress, and at most two pair of socks at any one time.

Long term: n <= 4 WIPs... at most two simultaneous pairs of socks, plus at most two larger "home projects".

Also, given the current state of my bank account and future expected tuition costs... no more yarn purchases until I've worked through my stash projects. Excluding, of course, special travel purchases... which I don't expect to have any time soon. ;)


Anonymous said...

Best of luck with your new goals! I know I wouldn't have the will power to cut down on my WIP's. Yarn buying, yeah, but never the number of projects I have going.

Hmmmm...I'm thinking I must have the attention span of a gnat. That's my only excuse. ;)

noricum said...

Thanks! I find I'm happiest if I have minimal clutter in the house (WIPs on my coffee table = clutter), and I like seeing FOs. Having too many WIPs result in me feeling like progress is hopeless... which is not good. :P