Tuesday, May 17, 2011

State of the Mittens

I finished the outer part a while ago, and then they sat for a bit until I got around to blocking them. I finally decided that just giving them a bath was sufficient, and skipped figuring out what to put inside to properly block them. (I was thinking of cardboard inside plastic bags, but never got around to cutting out the cardboard.)
I remembered to make a right & left! :)

On the second mitten, rather than putting stitches on a holder and casting on in pattern, I thought it might be easier to knit in a scrap yarn for the correct number of stitches, then continue on in pattern, knitting over the scrap yarn and around. When it came time to unpick and put the stitches on needles for knitting the thumb, it occurred to me that upside-down colourwork stitches don't behave the same as upside-down plain knitting. I ended up picking up stitches anyway. (Try it, it'll make more sense then.)

I think I was supposed to pick up in pattern, but that was more than my little brain could handle, so I just picked up plain. At that spot in the thumb, the only time you'll see it is when I photograph it this way. ;)

Now to pick up and knit the liners. :D

I've also been working on a beret for myself. It's the Meret pattern, sort of, but with a leaf pattern I modified from Barbara walker. I should post a photo of that sometime...

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