This is my own little soapbox. Disclaimer: It is not written by someone you think you know, but by her evil twin. Absolutely nothing said here is true. Everything, including the last statement, is a complete work of fiction. This blog is completely boring, and includes entries on when I last washed my dishes, how many pairs of socks I've crocheted, and the occasional rant. These are not the droids you're looking for. Move along.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
I just bought a bunch of books from KnitPicks in their 40% off sale. (Slightly guilty glee...)
I'm still in my pajamas, and haven't eaten breakfast. I should go do that... I'm *hungry*!
It's windy out today. They blow-a-plant-off-my-coffee-table windy... although that hasn't happened yet today.
I was going to be going to the Highland Games Festival in Selkirk today with some friends, but they both had to cancel. So I'll be doing laundry and other chores instead.
I think I'll try to patch my jean "quilt" today... it's getting holes in places where I used jean fabric from at the seams. Note to self: don't use those parts any more... they look cool, but wear out fast.
I could probably think of other things to ramble on about, but I'm hungry... so I'll go deal with that now. :)
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Found on Flickr

Knitted Sheep
More sheep! (Can you ever get enough?) I like the one with the black face best, but the aran one is so much fun. :)
To the Spiders in my Apartment
I would like to formally notify you of the ground rules:
1. You are allowed to live and hunt any bugs on the ceiling, but please do not build webs there. Should you decide to build webs, I will sweep them up when I deal with the roaming herds of dust bison.
Snicker! Hee! *snort*
Hey! No comments from the peanut gallery!
Continuing on...
2. You may also live in between the window panes. You will likely enjoy the colony of miniature sow bugs that seem to be living there. But again, no web building.
3. You may live behind the furniture or near the baseboards, but only if I don't see you. If I see you there, or anywhere else you are not allowed, you will be sentenced to death by kleenex. I realize you think you're strong and threatening, but no matter how you rear up for the confrontation, my kleenex and I are much more massive than you, and you don't stand a chance.
4. If you are caught dangling into the bathtub when I shower, you will be washed down the drain without one ounce of regret. (The death-by-kleenex cases I do feel a tiny bit of remorse.)
If you follow these rules, I'm sure we can get along amicably.
The Lady With Many Kleenex Boxes.
It's really nice that the help centre is empty this afternoon, giving me time to mark. I didn't mark last night because I went to a wedding shower (of a friend), and I didn't mark this morning because I was slow getting up. ;) This morning I also took a few moments to put my class notes in order, because I had fallen a bit behind in doing that. I also decided what I'm teaching tomorrow, although I still need to review the material. So I guess this morning wasn't completely filled with slacking. ;)
I'm getting an idea of how I'd like to teach this course should I get another opportunity. (The department administrator mentioned that I may get the chance next summer, but I pointed out that would probably depend on my reviews.)
Monday, June 23, 2008
Shock and Amazement!
I'm ready to collapse into bed, but I need to wait for word from H.
Hmmm... perhaps I can do some catch-up blogging... anyone want to hear about April? ;)
Wow... cookies on demand. If only life worked like this everyday. ;)
I'm going to bed anyway, so I can be awake to help my student tomorrow. I'll plot midterm on the bus, there'll be ~2 hours when the student has class... and hopefully the help centre won't be busy. (Gack! If it isn't, the student might be there too!) Noooooo! Hopefully the student will have a class in the afternoon too...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Whine, whine, whine, whine, whine.
Where's my breeze? Can't I at least have my breeze back to cool my apartment off? Whine.
There Goes The Neighbourhood
They repainted the stripes on the street. They're all pretty and bright now. :)
Summer Has Arrived
I took break from teaching homework and went over to plant a few things in my mom's garden (two plants that had been given to my grandma and had stopped blooming, plus a pot of three small amaryllises that we split off the big bulbs). While I was there I pulled a few weeds, fed the mosquitoes, and watered some of the tomatoes and flowers that had been sheltered from yesterday's torrential rain storms. Oh... and I finally got around to turning the compost pile. (I had left it so long, it practically didn't need turning! But then I added some tulip tops that I had pulled to make room for the flowers.)
Well, I suppose now I should create an assignment for my kiddies, then maybe I can squeeze enough time to visit my grandma. After that I still need to create their midterm for Tuesday. *sigh* This is a crazy time of term for me. :(
Found via Flickr
Saturday, June 21, 2008
When I stepped out the door, there was a tiny sprinkling... the kind where you debate whether it's worth getting the umbrella wet.
When I got to my mom's (I thought I'd check her mailbox while I was at it, in case any flyers had appeared), it decided to drizzle. I went inside, thought about watching TV or napping there, but then decided it really wasn't raining that much. So I borrowed a ratty old umbrella of mine that was still in the hall closet, and headed out. As it turns out, a very *small* umbrella, even though it doesn't fold that small. But it wasn't raining that much. At my dad's I grabbed the paper (I figured I'd browse it and give it back tomorrow) then headed out. It was raining now, but still not that bad, and I did have the ratty umbrella. A third of the way back to my place, there was a great flash and crack, then the heavens opened up.
Sheesh. It really wasn't a big enough umbrella. Not that having a bigger one would have helped with my sandals, that had to wade through the insta-puddles.
PS: Now that I'm back inside? It's stopped raining, and there's even a brightening of the sky. I think I'll have that nap now...
2. The light in my apartment drops considerably when a dark cloud moves overhead.
3. When the light drops in my apartment, and then shortly after my AC starts making "plinking" noises, I shouldn't panic. It's not the AC dying, it's rain.
4. It's now uncomfortably warm and *humid* in my apartment. But it could be worse... I could be living in NC.
5. I now have clean dishes again. :) And wrinkly fingers.
I am such a wuss...
I've closed the kitchen door and started the AC, to see if I can make it somewhat easier to motivate myself. :P
Friday, June 20, 2008
Found on Flickr

glass plaque bird
I *love* fused glass... so pretty and colourful... but wait!?! This is made completely out of *clear* glass! Wow... doing something like that never would have occurred to me! It's *still* awesome! So, then, what exactly is it that attracts me to fused glass? ;)
Found on Flickr

Unglazed Pine Cone Buttons
I'm on a real button kick lately... aren't these ones awesome? Wouldn't they look great on a natural coloured, earthy cardigan?
Found on Flickr

Orangutan with yarns
The photo is a bit fuzzy & yellow from indoor lighting... but isn't this orangutan-in-progress cute? I love how the fun fur looks so realistic! (Well, from my fuzzy recollection of what orangutans look like.)
Found on Flickr

"Sea to Sky": made in Canada - unlike the 2010 Olympics. Is someone going to sue me?
I *love* this fiber-artist's work!
Found on Flickr

kurdele işi lavanta kesesi
Wow! I'm amazed at how realistic those irises look, with just a few stitches in ribbon embroidery! I want to learn how to do that some day... but I'm too cheap to buy the kits. ;)
Found on Flickr

Top of quilt
Whoa... funky awesome! I love the illusion. :) (Although I'd probably find it too bold/mindbending to use on my own bed... perhaps in less contrasting colours?)
Dear TV
When I press the button labelled "power" (on either the remote or on your box), that means I would like you to turn on. Not only that, but I would like you to turn on immediately. Not thirty seconds from now. Not five minutes from now. Immediately. (I'm okay if it takes you a few seconds to get your picture fully going, but please give me some indication that you are trying to wake up.)
This guessing game you play with me, where I wonder if perhaps you didn't understand me, and I start pressing the buttons again, and then I wonder if you're in the process of turning on, or if you received the signal an even number of times, and therefore think you are supposed to stay off? This game is not fun for me. Especially when I want to try to catch the last few minutes of the news. When there is only ten minutes of news left is *really* not the time for you to play these games with me. Taking five minutes to turn on when there is ten minutes of news left is really frustrating for me.
I realize that you feel neglected, and that you probably enjoy my touch, when I try stroking you to find that magic place where the static electricity seems to convince you that it really is time to come on, but that magic place is getting much harder to find. (It doesn't help that it's unpredictable. I only managed to find it today when I noticed the screen was dirty, and wiped it off. It turns out that today the magic spot was your screen.)
Please stop toying with me. Is it getting time for us to end our relationship? Our time together has been so brief! I would like a lasting relationship with a piece of electronics. My last TV left me after only about a month. Am I cursed? Or had you both been too badly abused in your previous relationships? Is it just that your times were/are up? Perhaps I should simply stop dating older TVs? It seems a shame to pick up a brand new set when when you older, still functioning sets keep falling in my laps. A new set is so expensive, too, whereas you older models are simply content to have a warm end table to call home.
Perhaps that's the problem? Do you feel neglected, and under-appreciated? If I spent some money on you, would you feel better? If you can give me some indication that you'd like a lasting relationship, I'll buy you a new remote... clean, probably colorful, and nowhere near as finicky as your current one. Would that make you happier? Do you not like it when I push your buttons myself? Do I push your buttons too often?
Please let me know your decision.
Yours (for now),
PS: What were you trying to tell me the other day, when you were flickering blue? Or was that the antenna trying to communicate?
Silence Descends
I now get to enjoy birdsong instead of traffic noise. Ahhhhhh!
(It's amazing how much noise the windows manage to block when they're closed... but they're not closed in the summer.)
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Due to threat of rain, we parked ourselves in the Pit at the U of M... instead of pitting our wills against nature in the park. However, I got to help a student relax before her exam, and we sent away a new knitter with her very first swatch, a pair of needles, and a ball of yarn!

I taught her the knitted cast on, knitting, and a cast off... and told her how to contact me for more. ;) She was definitely a fast learner.
Some quick photos of everyone:

I say... it was rather fun freaking out the muggles. ;)
Oooo... and I won the grand prize in the door prize draw! I won a *gorgeous* Fiber Trends kit. (I apparently haven't taken a photo yet, and I'm not going to now... I need to go to bed.) It's for the Maid Marian Vest, which I just finished making (yeah, no photos blogged yet), so I think I'll make a different pattern of my own design, but probably still a vest. The kit was donated by Mona from Wolseley Wardrobe. Thanks Mona!!!!
Breaking News...

I think he even cleaned the glass!
Brother mine, he fixed the leg!!!:

For those who are in a state of shock, and are wondering if there might be pigs flying somewhere, take a deep breath, and be reassured by the following photo:

(Click for biggy view to see the text on the envelope. It says "Clutter".)

(When did I finish this anyway? ...Looking at my list of FO's... Hey! It was just back in January!) Well, I always thought I should have knit it at a tighter gauge.

Looks like I'll be knitting another hand towel. (And, um... where did my store-bought hand towels go? I guess I'll have to make do with a small bath towel for now...)

I finally managed to find a neighbour who know how to take the screen out at a time I wasn't crazy-busy or exhausted or on my way somewhere.
I've put it in the kitchen, since this is a not-quiet one I got from my mom, who had ductless a/c installed, and thus shouldn't need window a/c any more. It's not as loud as the other one, but not as quiet as the LG one we put (pretty permanently) in the basement bedroom last summer. If I can't keep my whole apartment cool with just this one and some fans, I'll buy an LG one for my bedroom. (The bedroom and the kitchen are marked as being on separate circuits.)
So... now that I have this installed, either the whole summer will be cold (or at least nicely cool at night so that I don't need the a/c), or way hotter than this unit can handle. Winnipeg: I'm sorry for whatever wacky weather Murphy and I cooked up.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
In The Neighbourhood
Just now, I saw someone walking down the back lane, wearing dark clothing and flicking a lighter. (The zippo kind, that makes that metallic clink.) Given that there have been people breaking into cars, and tagging buildings... someone flicking a lighter made me rather nervous. So I called the non-emergency police line, told them what I saw, and suggested that if they had a patrol car making rounds in the area, that they might want to do a sweep through here. It could be nothing, but I would rather call *before* something went up in flames, rather than after.
A few days ago I saw a fire truck and ambulance arrive, and the first responders rush into the building next door. A while later, they wheeled out someone on a stretcher. I think (s)he as still alive, since (s)he had an IV hooked up. I'm guessing heart-attack, since one of the responders was carrying something that looked like a portable. The person looked old, and very pale.
Today I noticed that someone was moving out of the building next door. In the trash, I noticed a cheap "painting" like you'd expect to see in an old person's home. I'm guessing that, since the middle of the month isn't a normal time to move, that this is related to the ambulance visit from a few days ago. I'm guessing that either the person didn't make it, or they're moving into assisted living.
Note: a police car just zipped down the back lane. Nice to know they care. :) (Uh... but they went the wrong way!)
Other things spotted recently:
• A service van that blocked off two lanes of traffic so that it could send someone (or something) down a manhole... I think to inspect the traffic light camera.
• Really backed up traffic... I think an accident on the bridge.
• A car accident... looks like a case of whip-lash, and a back bumper that needs replacing.
• A small set of *very* suspicious looking plants in my neighbour's window. (Dad told me to call Crime Stoppers on that one, but not to report it to my landlord... the plants have since disappeared from the window sill.) And my landlord mentioned that someone else saw something that looked like joint butts in the hall. Whee.
• City workers removing a set of no-parking / loading zone signs.
I think I may have heard the accident that put my building's caretaker out of commission for six weeks (the first of which was spent in the hospital). I do know I heard a screech and a thud, and saw cars having to change lanes to avoid the accident, but the accident itself was blocked from view.
I have four channels of 24-hour reality TV: kitchen, living room, bedroom, and office (windows). (There's the bathroom window too, but you have to stand in the tub to look out, and you can only really see the wall of the brick building next door.) The programming is generally pretty boring, and you need a lot of imagination and guesswork to follow the plot, but the reception is excellent. Much better than the antenna on my TV gives me. (Clarity would be improved if I didn't have to look through screens... but this is Winnipeg. I'd much rather keep the mosquitoes *outside*.)
I got a call from the cops. They checked the area out, and couldn't find anyone that didn't check out, but they thought that I was right to call.
Well, it's way past my bedtime, so I'm going to stop rambling and go to bed.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Allergy Speculation...
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Spindle Lust
I do *not* need to spend $164 on two spindles. Right? No matter how much the government gave me on my taxes, to bribe me for a vote? (They didn't call it that, but it sure feels like it.)
*sigh* I will be good... but... *drool*
Monday, June 09, 2008
Allergy Speculation...
Found on Flickr

Meringue Blanc - Elegant Knit Cotton Blend Scarf
I love the design for this scarf. It looks so elegant in white, too. :)
Friday, June 06, 2008
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Found on Flickr

Sculpted Wool Stone Pincushion
Love it! The funky colours are great, and even with the crazy colours, it really does look like a stone. :)
Not A Contest Alert!
PS: Knitters, there's stuff there for you too.
Found on Flickr

Close-up of roses
So sweet! I need to learn how to embroider those sweet little roses. Definitely. :) (Unsuccessfully trying to repress urges to be all girly and pink...)
Found on Flickr

Ooooooo! One of these days I'm going to buy myself a Golding spindle. Isn't this one *gorgeous*?!! I love the photo, with the delicate apple blossoms, too!
Found on Flickr

leopold the lion
So adorable and funky! I love that there's a fun background for this little fellow's photo shoot, rather than it just being plopped on a desk or something. (My backgrounds are always so lame when I take photos...)
Found on Flickr

Wooly brooches
Gorgeous! I love the gently shading colours with the coordinating machine stitching on top. :)