Time To Retire?
This is my own little soapbox. Disclaimer: It is not written by someone you think you know, but by her evil twin. Absolutely nothing said here is true. Everything, including the last statement, is a complete work of fiction. This blog is completely boring, and includes entries on when I last washed my dishes, how many pairs of socks I've crocheted, and the occasional rant. These are not the droids you're looking for. Move along.
Earlier this week when the dark clouds parted to let in a blast of late-afternoon sunlight, I happened to be leaving work, and was able to snap a quick photo before it faded.
Wow. Estonians are heroes. This movie was uplifting and inspiring, and the singing revolution was truly amazing. I wish this movie was a required part of the school curriculum.
Well, I wore Weasley to school today, and no one commented on all the patches... so either they didn't notice them, or they were being polite. ;)
Weasley is getting thin all over, but I've duplicate-stitched some life back into the three worst spots.
I finished re-knitting my linen hand towel this weekend. I had knit it before (with the pattern from MDK), but a weak point in the yarn broke. Since I didn't like the gauge anyway, I decided to rip and reknit. It sat in a ball for quite a while. These days, I'm so fried that I need simple knitting. Seed stitch is something I can handle. I did manage to put some rectangles at one end, for a tiny bit of decoration.
It's rather nice having my linen hand towel back. Now I have two hand knit hand towels I can switch between. (The other is a linen/cotton blend from KnitPicks.) I will soon have a third, because I bought another ball of linen for when I finished this one. (I look forward to having an unfried brain back.) I wish linen didn't cost $20 per ball.
Speaking of low-brainpower knitting, it seems to be really hard to get cheap glittery yarn for icord. Michaels didn't have anything, and all the sparkly yarn at Dollarama is also furry. I decided to try a red furry yarn from Dollarama for when my skein from Ram Wools runs out. (Ram Wools has some glittery yarn, but the stuff that comes in Christmas colours is full price, and the discounted brands aren't Christmas-y. I don't feel like paying full price for what will become icord tree garlands.)
Awww! What a little cutie! I love how the green eyes are glowing in the flash, like a real cat's would. :)
Sadly out-of-focus photo, but adorable book cover! I love the combination of fabric stripes and embroidered heart flowers!
Pretty! Hmmm... I could be wrong, but it looks like it might be a fairly fast type of embroidery. I love the design. :)
Cute!!! (I almost succumbed on Etsy, back when I first saw this... I resisted, due to lack of income.)
What a neat idea! (If you can't read Morse code... I can't either... click through for the quote.)
Nice! (I've been thinking I should make a second cover so I can have one dry when the other is being washed. I also think I should get a new hot water bottle... the ageing rubber is getting worrying.)