This is my own little soapbox. Disclaimer: It is not written by someone you think you know, but by her evil twin. Absolutely nothing said here is true. Everything, including the last statement, is a complete work of fiction. This blog is completely boring, and includes entries on when I last washed my dishes, how many pairs of socks I've crocheted, and the occasional rant. These are not the droids you're looking for. Move along.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Merry Christmas!
My new Gortex hiking boots are handling this "spring" weather beautifully. :)
Yes, I was more successful this weekend at changing nearly all my pieces of green paper for clothing... not only did I get boots that can handle ice-lined puddles, but I also bought four long-sleeved shirts, one t-shirt, a spring coat, and those spiked rubber thingies that can give traction to regular footwear. I sweet-talked my dad into driving me around the hard-to-bus-to stores near the airport. :)
About the only clothing I still need to get I won't need until summer. My sandals are wearing out, if I remember correctly, and I suspect my shorts suffered the same closet-shrinkage that my spring coat did. (Once all this silly snow goes away, I think I'll try plopping my ass on a bike. However, that'll be a while yet, from the look of things.)
Monday, March 30, 2009
New Lamp

into a lamp. (Yes, I even made the cord!) Then I procrastinated a bunch. Tonight I finally hung the lamp up:

It's not exactly what I was going for... it's rather blue, and not very bright. (There's even a shadow on the wall behind it.) I'm not sure if there's a *very* slight flicker, or if it's a bit hard on the eyes for other reasons.
So... should I keep it as is, put in a regular bulb receptacle (and CF light), or take it down and toss the idea? If I do keep it, I'll add something on the wall to hold the cord closer to the wall.
I should probably also replace the screw anchors with the drywall anchor type, but I didn't have a drill bit big enough, and I was a bit concerned as to what type of (I think) insulation came down with the drill bit. The lamp is pretty light, so it should be fine. (I'm also not going to drill bigger holes until I know I'll be leaving it up.)
Sunday, March 29, 2009

50-50 merino silk, 50-50 merino tencel, and 50-50 merino yak, all in the colourway "Thunderstorm". I decided to start with the merino silk blend. Here's the singles in progress:

I had been warned about "crocking" (excess dye coming off on my hands), and boy, did it ever! Hee hee:

I felt like Violet Beauregard, or perhaps Smurfette. Thankfully, a bit of soap and water took care of the blue, and no pressing was necessary. ;) When I chain-plied the yarn, it also crocked on my pants where it rubbed:

but a trip through the laundry cleaned up that too.
Here's the finished yarn with flash:

and in daylight:

Found on Flickr

Neato! I've been tempted recently by an ornament quilling kit in the Mary Maxim catalog. I never thought quilling could be 3D, though.
Found on Flickr

Joyero de 12 gavetas grandes
Cool!!! I love how you don't see all the fun colours until you open up the drawers. :)
Found on Flickr

Found on Flickr, in one of my friend's photo streams. This is just so cute and hilarious, I had to share. :)
Sewing Corner & Contest Entry

Isn't it adorable? I have a bunch of photos to tell you about the table... if I ever get around to it. ;) I'd like to get a different chair, one that I can cut lower so that I have a little more room between the chair seat and table skirt. This chair is one of my kitchen chairs, so if I cut it lower, then someone would end up feeling rather short the next time I have four people at dinner. ;) I think that dark wood would look nicer with the table too.
To celebrate having a dedicated sewing spot, I steeked a swatch to enter the Stitch-It Podcast "Just Steek It" contest. :)

Steek line marked:

Sewn (I'm using a slippery yarn):

And finally, cut:

Awww... my first steek. ;)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas...
The flood forecast is back up to 1997 levels. For those of you not around here, that year we had the "Flood of the Century". Now, I realize the century has ticked over to a new one, but *sheesh*! It's only been 12 years! Thankfully most people and communities are better prepared than they were back in 1997, but things still aren't perfect. The ice isn't breaking up so the floodway can be used yet, and ice jams north of Winnipeg have resulted in a state of emergency in East and West St Paul. Plus there's all the overland flooding due to the culverts being frozen... courtesy of that *rain* we had back in... was it January? Well, whenever it was, it happened when we should *not* have had rain. :P
With all the snow, the new electronic sign at the University bus stop now says the next bus will be coming at "...". (That's what it said last night, and it's still saying it this morning.) I have photos, but they're still on my camera. I'm not sure if the sign is broken, or if that one is relying on GPS, and the clouds and snow are sufficient to block the GPS signals.
Yesterday my bus took 25 minutes longer than usual to arrive at work... luckily I caught one that should have gotten me in 25 minutes early. Coming home, downtown was a mess, and I think I ended up waiting about half an hour for a transfer. (I was at a stop where the bus I prefer should have been five minutes later, and the second best bus normally comes every ten minutes.)
Today I made it in early (thanks to actually catching the bus I intended to catch)... and the student I tutor is late. *sigh* (11 minutes and counting.)
I stopped in at the new cafe and used bookstore near my place on the way home last night. I felt like having a hot chocolate before slogging the distance from the bus stop to my apartment. It's *awesome*! The hot chocolate was great, prices are reasonable, and profits support the MCC. :) I think it needs a knitting group...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Quick Update
I voted Tuesday. (By-election to replace the provincial guy who ran and won a federal position.) I haven't checked yet to see if my guy won, but I suspect he did.
Today was even whiter! The calendar may say spring, but the weather outside says January.
News on the TV says this year's flood is forecast at 1979 levels last I checked. (Thankfully people are more prepared than they were back in 1979.) The ice needs to break up, though, before the floodway gates can be opened. (Right now the ice is sitting on top of a rapidly rising river.)
Monday evening I felt a strange sensation on my foot. I reached down, and discovered a *hole*!!! That makes the third pair of socks I've worn out. However, Monday I also finished a pair of socks for me, so no actual reduction in sock numbers happened. (Muriel: this means I started your socks Monday!)
I finished Cobblestone the other week too.
Either my spring coat shrunk over the winter, or my ass grew. However, the coat is a men's small, and I've had it since high school, so I'm trying to not feel too bad about it. (However, I really do need to work on the size of my ass.)
In other shopping news, I need footwear that can handle ice-lined puddles. Last week I left home with a wallet full of money... and came back the same way. *sigh* I hate shopping.
Life is full, leaving little time for blogging. Perhaps I'll post more soon...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Fuzzed's Bear Claw Spindle in Action
Fuzzed's Bear Claw Spindle in Action
Originally uploaded by >>>WonderMike<<<
Found on Flickr

Big Bow Cardigan - front 2
While I wouldn't wear something with a big bow like this (definitely not a good look for me), I like how the stitch pattern works in a sweater.
Found on Flickr

Beach Stone Buttons
How great are these?!? Given the trouble my drill had with my wall, I'm guessing it couldn't make these. *sigh*