Thursday, August 07, 2008


I hate August 1st. Well, not the date itself, but there were several things that started then that I hate.

For example, the post office where my package is sitting started closing earlier then. However, my parcel slip didn't reflect the updated hours. So, last night, instead of getting off the bus right by my apartment (after coming home from the knitting group... it was 10 pm, and I had been out of the house since 8 am), I stayed on for two more stops, then walked a few blocks to the post office. Only to find that as of August 1, they closed at 9 8 pm instead of 11. Grrr. I don't have my package yet, and I had to walk several blocks carrying my school bag and knitting. *sigh*

The second thing that's ticking me off is that Greyhound used to allow two bags for free, but now you're only allowed one. Why couldn't they have waited until September 1, when I'd be back from the lake?!? How am I supposed to fit three weeks worth of clothing, projects, a bit of food, my sleeping bag, a cot, a mattress pad, and everything else into *one* bag?!? I was already puzzling how to fit it into *two*. Grrr.

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