This is my own little soapbox. Disclaimer: It is not written by someone you think you know, but by her evil twin. Absolutely nothing said here is true. Everything, including the last statement, is a complete work of fiction. This blog is completely boring, and includes entries on when I last washed my dishes, how many pairs of socks I've crocheted, and the occasional rant. These are not the droids you're looking for. Move along.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
I missed everyone!
I'll be back and posting for real on Tuesday or Wednesday. (Assuming I have a computer to post with, that is...)
Well, time for bed: tomorrow is my cousin's wedding.
Friday, August 08, 2008
Found on Flickr

Herringbone Cat
Awwww! This lady makes seriously cute kitties! (Click through to check out her flickr stream.) Oooo! I had to search for it, but she has an Etsy shop too!
I've had enough bugs for today, please. (The benign one that is obviously in from outside, but I found in my kitchen sink, doesn't bother me, though.)
Are my woolens infested? Or was this just a random bug that came in from outside? If it isn't random, is something in my kitchen infested, or is it my yarn and/or sweaters? *shudder*
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Maggie Source
Update: I also found the homepage for Magpie Woodworks.
More Gripes
The Greyhound website, which says you can save money by buying in advance, then charges you $4 for the privilege... but you don't actually save anything on the fare. (According to the guy at the bus depot when I picked up my ticket. Not to Flin Flon, at least.)
For example, the post office where my package is sitting started closing earlier then. However, my parcel slip didn't reflect the updated hours. So, last night, instead of getting off the bus right by my apartment (after coming home from the knitting group... it was 10 pm, and I had been out of the house since 8 am), I stayed on for two more stops, then walked a few blocks to the post office. Only to find that as of August 1, they closed at
The second thing that's ticking me off is that Greyhound used to allow two bags for free, but now you're only allowed one. Why couldn't they have waited until September 1, when I'd be back from the lake?!? How am I supposed to fit three weeks worth of clothing, projects, a bit of food, my sleeping bag, a cot, a mattress pad, and everything else into *one* bag?!? I was already puzzling how to fit it into *two*. Grrr.
Monday, August 04, 2008
New and Improved Flickr Meme

New and Improved Flickr Meme
I found this new version of the Flickr Meme at Crochet All Day.
The Questions
What is your first name?
What is your favorite yarn?
What was the first thing you made with yarn?
What is your favorite color?
Which crochet or knitting designer do you have a crush on?
Favorite handmade gift you have received?
Dream project?
Favorite notion?
What will you crochet/ knit next?
What do you love most about yarn?
One word to describe your craft.
Main inspiration to craft.
How to Play:
Type your answer to each of the questions above into Flickr search.
Using only the first page, choose an image.
Copy and paste each of the URL’s into the mosaic maker over at FDs Image Maker.
1. What Lasts (Andrea and Scott), 2. Noro Silk Garden, 3. I Suck at Scarves, 4. Cobalt Glass Rays, 5. Cobblestone, 6. The Art Institute of Chicago AIC Museum by Watercolour Painting Ng Woon Lam MFA NWS, 7. Birch in Winter, 8. At the Mic, 9. Clapotis, 10. ... transformations ..., 11. Relax, 12. delicate creation
Friday, August 01, 2008
Found on Flickr

Nympheas #2
Lovely! I think now I understand an advantage of oils over acrylics... achieving the kind of colour blending used here would be very difficult with acrylics. I think I may need to give oils another chance, but try using them as oils, rather than acrylics. ;) (Not that I plan on giving up acrylics... the two mediums have advantages, but in different areas.)
Found on Flickr

e afghan wip
I love the pattern! (Both the stitch pattern, and striping/plaid.) If I were to make it, I'd use blues, though, of course. ;)