I doubt it will ever have a toad, but it's cute even if it doesn't. (In moister areas, do toads actually hang out in these?)
Here's my much-neglected front garden:

I've been neglecting it since the weeds aren't terribly noticeable, and I really want to get the vegetable gardens done while there's still time to put things in. (Yes, it's probably too late for this year, but please don't burst my bubble.)
I did tie up the weigela since I now had a stake. Before:


It probably needs to be pruned or something too... but not until after it finishes blooming. A least now it's less likely to be abused by my lawn-mowing neighbour.
Yay, dirt and plants in the raised bed:

It's probably *way* over-crowded, but... well... better there than on the patio! I put in four cherry tomatoes, a strawberry that was in the "holding area" (I think this is where I want it), my birdhouse gourd (I doubt I'll actually get gourds, it's pretty late), plus four things that are either onions or leeks... I think three of one type and one of the other, but I can't remember which is which. (Note to self: label things better.) I figure the tomatoes will grow up while the gourd grows horizontally, and I'll just make sure the gourd doesn't smother the strawberry. The onions/leeks, well, I have a bunch started, they're also vertical, and maybe they'll keep some bugs off the other plants.
Argh, the elm has some sort of leaf miner:

I found this bizarre larva dude when I pulled off the infected elm leaves:

Hmmm... googling... this might actually be a ladybug pupae! Cool! (I'll have to rescue it from the yard waste bin tomorrow... I think it's on top, so it should be easy.)
I discovered that one of the plants my neighbor had been mowing was indeed a flower (I stopped him by putting some log stepping stones in front to protect it)... it appears to be some kind of white harebell:

(It's kind of hard to spot amongst the anemone here, which is also white.)
And, why not, here's an "after" shot of the rhubarb I hacked away at yesterday:

I was in the garden for less than two hours today, between sleeping late, shopping, and family dinner.
Oh well... good thing I still have Monday! :D
wow, you've been hard at work!
That's definitely a lady bug in transition. side of my house has been covered in them (since they were in their black-alien form) and it's been really neat to watch them transition now.
garden is looking fantastic!
Going to have to show A the bird pictures because she's wanting to learn more about bird watching. I've suggested she ask a senior neighbour for lessons.
Do you have any tall trees in your yard that you can put bird feeders in? You can feed birds all year round (I think I've heard that it's actually recommended that you continue to feed in the spring if you've been feeding in the winter, because they've become accustomed to eating there.) I have one feeder full of sunflower seeds, some suet feeders, and a finch feeder with niger seed. I've stopped filling the suet feeders for the summer now (I'm worried about it going rancid), but I'm keeping the other two stocked. Of course, until they ran out, birds (and squirrels) were still feeding from the suet feeder too.
I don't worry about the squirrels coming by for a snack... they don't eat nearly as much as the ones down south, and it's fun to watch them too.
I think another feeder with peanuts would attract jays and stuff.
Oh, and having a bird book with local birds would definitely help too!
My lesson in bird watching: sit patiently and quietly (a book can help) where you can see the bird feeders. ;)
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