Monday, November 28, 2011


Last night I had some odd visitors for this time of year. One was this ladybug, which I think was imported with my spinach. (I don't think the ladybugs around here have red legs, although they do tend to come in the houses in the fall.)

The other was a mosquito. A *mosquito*!?!? At this time of year?! It was in my bedroom. It's been frozen for a while outside... I wonder how long it's been hanging out inside? Just how long do they live? (Off to google...)


Catlady said...

I've seen them with red legs before - so, either they've been imported many times, or ladybugs are more varied...

I think I'd be more concerned with buying veggies with extra protein...

noricum said...

After posting, I checked on google. The white patch on the head matches the invasive type of ladybug... so regardless of whether it was local or imported, it wasn't one we want. (Not that it would necessarily find a way to hibernate and survive if I had tossed it outside.)

The nature of veggies is that they frequently come with extra protein.

I also googled mosquito lifespans: the females can live up to 100 days, and September was certainly warm enough for one to wander in.